
Pepecoin Core Wallet

About wallet

This is native very first wallet which serves also as full node for Pepecoin.


As first thing head to GitHub and download wallet for your system.

There are 2 types of wallets: installer and portable wallet (portable wallets are with .zip extension).
Once you have downloaded wallet installer double click it and follow installer steps, if you have chosen to go with portable wallet, extract the files and start wallet by:
Windows: /pepecoin-1.0.1/bin/pepecoin-qt.exe
Linux: /pepecoin-1.0.1/bin/pepecoin-qt

Setting up wallet

On first run, the wallet will need to sync with the blockchain (this could take a while so be patient). Once completed, you are ready to interact with the wallet.

Common issues during installation

MacOS: not verified developer can be fixed by this guide.
Windows: wrong architecture installer. You might have chosen 64-bit installer instead of 32-bit for your system. On 64-bit system should work 32-bit too, but it is not recommended.

Encrypting wallet

To encrypt the wallet, click on the Settings menu (top left) then click on Encrypt Wallet. You will be asked to enter a passphrase. This passphrase will be needed to unlock the wallet and when you send new transactions in the future. So store it in a very safe place.

If you had previosly backed up wallet.dat that was not encrypted, the old wallet.dat wont get magically new encryption password!

Backing up wallet

To back up the wallet.dat file, click on the File menu (top left) then click on Backup Wallet and choose the location to save the file to. You will need this file to restore your wallet in the future. So store it in a very safe place.

Sending transactions

To send Pepecoin, click on the Send tab and enter the recipient's address and the amount you want to send. You can also add a message to the transaction if you want. Once you click send, it will ask you for your passphrase if you have encrypted your wallet. Once you submit it, it will ask you if you want to send specified amount of Pepecoins to recipient.

Accepting transactions

To receive Pepecoin, click on the Receive tab and click Request Payment. You can then give this address to the person who is sending you Pepecoin.

Restoring wallet

To restore the wallet, open in windows by search bar %appdata% folder, find Pepecoin folder or go to C:\Users\your-user\AppData\Roaming\Pepecoin, here replace wallet.dat file with your wallet. On linux it is same, but instead of %appdata% you can find wallet.dat in /home/your-user/.pepecoin. In both scenarios replace wallet.dat file with your backup.

Restoring wallet on Mac

You need to open finder on your Mac. Then if you have not already made your MacBook or iMac visible in the finder page, then do the following:
Go to preferences and select the sidebar tab then click (tick) your MacBook or iMac name under Locations. Then when you open a new finder window you should have the usual favourites (iCloud Drive, Airdrop, desktop, Documents, Downloads, etc...) Then under Locations your MacBook or iMac with its registered name should be showing.

Now follow these instructions:
1. Click on your MacBook name,
2. Click on Macintosh HD,
3. Click on the following buttons: shift+command+period That will enable hidden files to be visible,
4. Click on users. Click on your macbook's name.

Now you should see a faint Library folder (which is now visible, thanks to the 3 button clicking earlier).
1. Click on that faint Library folder,
2. Click on Application Support,
3. Scroll down and click on Pepecoin and viola, you should see your wallet.dat file which you can backup or replace with existing wallet.dat.


About wallet

Komodo wallet is a multi-coin non-custodial wallet which supports multipe coins including Pepecoin. It is available on multiple platforms like Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, iOS and even web browsers! You can get Komodo Wallet at this link (this guide uses official Windows app).

Setting up wallet

After you have installed wallet, you will need to create a new wallet. Click on Create New Wallet and write down your seed phrase. This seed phrase gives you access to your wallet, so store it on secure place (anyone with this phrase can access your wallet! Secure it privately!!! It is the only possible recovery method for your wallet if you dont back up separately private keys for each coin manually). The wallet will make sure you have written it up on some paper for example. (if you will be printing the phrase on paper, it is recommended to turn off internet connection for both PC (or phone) and printer).
Once you are done with mnemonic phrase (seed phrase), you will set password for your wallet, then accept EULA and TOS. Finally last thing is to setup a PIN, which will be asked by an app on each start.

Once you agree to EULA and TOS, you will be asked to setup password for your wallet.

Enabling Pepecoin

After you have created wallet, you will need to enable Pepecoin. Click on the bottom left panel Add Crypto button. Here find and select Pepecoin.

Sending transactions

To send transactions, click on Pepecoin and on send button. Here you will need to input amount of Pepecoin and destination address you want to send to. Once you are done, click on send withdraw button and confirm it.

Accepting transactions

To receive transactions, click on Pepecoin and on receive button. Here you will get QR code and on top of it you will find your wallet address. To this address you can send your Pepecoins.

Extracting private keys

Go to bottom right corner and select more, here open settings and find Seed and private keys setting. To get access to this setting, input your wallet password and once you are successfull, there is on top your seed phrase and under seed phrase you have all your enabled coins that are stored on your wallet and by clicking on each of them gives you your private key to access funds for that particular coin.

Restoring wallet

Restoring wallet is simple process, you can restore your wallet from mnemonic phrase (seed phrase) you got earlier from setting up wallet or by manually getting it through settings. Simpy go to Restore your wallet and here input your seed phrase.


About wallet

MrtWallet is a mobile wallet for Pepecoin. It is available for Android devices.


Head to GitHub and download MrtWallet app for your device. On android device enable installation from unknown sources and install app.

Setting up wallet

On first screen you have multiple options on recovering of old wallet made inside of app. We will create new wallet and we will setup encryption password for our wallet.

Now we will need to setup mnemonic phrase. Write these words on safe place! You will need them if you will be recovering your wallet by this phrase! After that we will need to confirm that we have right words in right order.

We will name our wallet and choose if we want to be asked for password every time we launch the app. Once you are ready to use our wallet, click on this last button on bottom right menu of app and list through list of cryptos and find and select Pepecoin.

You will be asked to create wallet, create it and keep all default settings.

Congrats! Now you have Pepecoin wallet! Click at the top left corner arrow button.

If you see on bottom bar some error, change your server.

Sending transactions

Sending transactions is little complex process, but once you know how to do it, it is pretty simple. Click on send button. After that select from which address you will be sending from Pepe. Once you get past this screen, select choose all and continue to setup recipients, where you will put destination address and amount of how much Pepe you are sending. When you are done, scroll all the way down and send transaction where it will ask you for your wallet password.

Congrats! Now you have sent your first transaction! Click arrow button to get back to main page of app.

Accepting transactions

Accepting transactions is very simple, simply click on accept button and copy your address or share your QR code.

Backing up wallet

Backing your wallet is simple process, click in top right corner settings icon and create backup of your wallet. Keep this file! Since you can use it to restore your wallet!

Restoring wallet

Restoring wallet is straightforward process, you can restore your wallet from mnemonic phrase or your backed up wallet file.

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